Sunday, 3 August 2014

My newest blog!

Exciting news!
I'd like to invite you all to read my newest blog, The Curvy Cushie!!! The first post is up, and I'm calling for change.

In this blog, I will talk about my journey with Cushing's Disease. I'd like to touch a bit upon the journey to diagnosis, the hurdles that I had to cross, and the damage it caused to both my spirit and body. Also, I as the main focus of this new blog, I will be talking about the journey AFTER recovery/remission of the disease. There are not many support groups/blogs out there for recovering Cushie's (aka people who have or had Cushing's). Therefore, I would like to reach out and tell my story. My words will be down to earth, supportive and encouraging, as I embark on my new lifestyle on the 3rd anniversary of my surgery success. Health, fitness, motivation, nutrition, stumbles, and more! So please, go check out the new blog and follow me along they way!!! 

Thank you all for following Kisses and Curls over the last 6 months or so... It really was a pleasure getting my first shot at blog writing under my belt. Sadly, I will be taking a leave of absence from posting on this site for a while; with a new site and idea underway, CurvyCushie and my journey to make her slightly less curvy will be my top priority for now! But I will be back, better than ever, so STAY TUNED! 

Stay Beautiful everyone,
Kisses and Curls xoxox