So here it goes...
Top 8 Things Northerners Do and Think That City-Slickers Probably Don't Understand
1. Hold the door for the next person, and the next, and the next, and th...
1. Hold the door for the next person, and the next, and the next, and th...
Yep... For whatever reason, maybe it's nurture or maybe it's nature, it is just "what we do." I don't know how many times when I've opened the door for the next group of people that I have gotten strange looks from those I assumed I was helping. Sometimes they thank me, rarely do they smile, and mostly they look at me like I am looking for something in return. Sorry guys, that's just me, your friendly NG at your service!
2. Take my time to walk to... well to basically anywhere that falls within the city limits.Maybe I'm just a slow walker, but I enjoy taking my time to walk where ever I am going. One thing is for sure though, I am NOT a tourist anymore. I don't carry a map with me, I don't stop to take pictures of everything I see like it's the first time I've seen it, and I don't have that look of new discovery on my face. I just simply find the little things in life enjoyable, such as making me strolls as leisurely as possible and enjoying the day.
3. Talk to people while waiting in line ups.I swear this one is the worst. What's wrong with making friendly conversation? When did it become so unheard of to talk to your follow "waiters," your neighbours, your coffee line buddy. Especially for places where it seems like you've been waiting forever, or in situations where someone seems lost or nervous. A friendly gesture can go a long way guys, try it sometime, people are beautiful and have amazing stories sometimes, not to mention time begins to pass-by in a flash!
4. Stop when someone talks to you on the street.
Now, for this one, I understand the frustration sometimes of feeling like someone is constantly stopping you for whatever the cause (ex. change, directions, etc). However I'd like to ask "have you ever needed help?" Have you ever been turned around and needed direction while going to a new appointment, or were short 5 cents for bus fare and needed a hand. It happens to the best of us, and when people stop to talk to you I believe it's fair to acknowledge them like human beings, answer their request (whether its to help or excuse yourself) and to leave them with a smile and a fond farewell, "Have a wonderful day, best of luck."
5. Find that new food to me is rarely new to any of the locals, and that's intimidating sometimes.
Ok ok ok... this isn't always true, BUT! Having grown up in some places that are so small we have nothing but little mom&pop shops, one chain restaurant and one fast food place, it is no wonder some of these amazing delicacies have never touched my palate. Getting myself to try some of this strange to me food may be a challenge, but I'm not a weirdo for having never had the chance to try it before.
6. Thinks there should be several lakes/beaches that I can just "go swimming" in.
Within city limits here, there is no lake that we can just jump in and enjoy. The reason this is so odd to NG is that up north, we can't drive 5km's without hitting a lake or having to take a snaking road to get around one, and we can swim in each and every one of them. But the one Great Lake that we happen to be attached to is filled with horror stories of coming out with an extra limb, being full of pollution, and no one goes further than up to their knees at the beach (or so I've been told). This makes me sad, kids here don't know what their missing out on!
7. I don't think I should have to pay cover at a bar... ever.We will never understand the point of a cover charge for a bar where they simply serve alcohol and play music from a machine. Unless I'm going to a concert, why do bars think I should pay more just to get in!? I think this because us Northerners rarely pay cover unless its a ticketed event. I still recall trying to adjust to city life, being utterly confused about this so-called cover charge..."what do you mean, I have to pay you to let me come inside and then pay you again to serve me over priced drinks from your establishment?" Ridiculous, I tell ya...
8. I don't think - 30 degree weather and 4 feet of snow is unheard of.It gets cold and snows in winter. Enough said. It is so weird to hear of everywhere else getting snowed in, can't see the roads, whole towns closed down due to occasional very cold and blustery winter storms. But not in the city... it rarely snows, it doesn't stay, and winter temperatures of lower than -25 degrees get the whole city in a huff. Get over it, bundle up, and enjoy the outside!
Yep, #1, 3, 4 for sure. All I can say about #8 is, "I understand your hate for the cold, but you've never seen cold like north of Timmins." Coldest I was in this year, -42 C and -50 C with the wind chill. Even a sauna won't help shake the chill.