Friday 14 March 2014

LNG - Episode 1 - Men

Life of a Northern Girl
A series of blog entries that aim to tell the story of what it was like growing up as a Northern Bell, what I love and miss, and how the transition into "City Life" has been for me! Hope you like the read, and let me know through comments if there is anything you would like me to talk about more specifically in an episode of the series!

Through the results of last weeks poll, and after discussion with a long time friend (SHOUT-OUT TY), I've been asked to blog a bit about life as a Northern Girl in Ontario... But how to go about it? Should I talk about what life was like living there? Our hobbies and pass-times? What I miss? I wasn't sure at first, but I've come up, with help, with what I think would be an excellent twist!

I would like to formally introduce you all to my new side-series!

LNG - Episode 1 - Helloooooo Handsome!

Lets get this straight. I am not crazy... But big, burly, rouged men are SEXY! Growing up in the North, most of us women have a fancy for men who can take care of things. We're old fashioned. Most of us are tomboys ourselves. We like to play on sleds in the winter (and lets clarify as we often do: Sledding is the art of riding a snowmobile, NOT a toboggan), go for a ride on a quad, drive trucks through the bush and mud. We have fun. Most of us also have a good idea how to fix things when they are broken. Therefore, we expect our men to be able to do the same. I actually have a running joke with most of my lady friends: "The most alluring cologne a man can wear is the smell of exhaust and grease from working in the garage." So needless to say, I've for the most part developed a type when it comes to men. 

The short list is as follows:
  1. Must own a truck. Trucks are SEXY... they ride hard, the get you where you need to go regardless of terrain, and you can fit your toys in the back (or your overflow buddies, who needs seat belts anyway

  2. Must be able to grow some facial hair/body hair.... Face it guys, a shaved chest is NOT sexy... That scruffy, unshaven, "I'm too busy working on my truck" look... Mmm Mmm Mmm

  3. Have a little meat on ya! No one wants a bean bone... We like a strong, think, tall, handsome man. After all, we can't be expected to lift all the heavy stuff! Take Gerrard Butler for instance (yes, I went to a celebrity, but to be honest he is JUST the type I like for a build in a man)

  4. Know how to fix things. I shouldn't have to be the one to fix the vehicle, install the new light fixture or fix the clogged drain. Not trying to sound sexist, but it's nice to feel like you're taken care of, am I wrong?!
  5. and finally, Be able to fishing and/or hunting, and enjoy doing it. The last thing I wanna do is get out there with a man and find out he hates it. What's up with that? It's FUN, and should I add come with tasty rewards!
  6. Bonus Points: Have watched this video:

Uh Oh.... did I just describe anyone of the Robertson men (minus the bonus video)? What can I say... those men know how to make a woman happy!

Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of men out there who don't fit all (or any) of my personal preferences and that's fine. I just find that they help me differentiate the boys from the men in my life. And not to mention, the men I have met who fit all (or most) of these criteria have been the ones whom I have gotten along the best with!

Which leads me to NG's big city experience with men... most of them just do not live up to these criteria... most have never held a gun, have never truly been "camping", prefer sports cars to a nice big truck... Which is fine... But try and get one of these men to help you with your vehicle or a new light fixture and their usual answer is "call the guy." I DON'T WANT TO CALL THE GUY, I DON'T NEED TO CALL THE GUY, I CAN (usually) DO IT MYSELF, BUT I WANT MY GUY FRIEND TO FIX IT! 

And that is why, NG thinks that Northern Boys are better :)

Stay beautiful!
- Kisses and Curls (as Northern Girl)

1 comment:

  1. Northern Boys for the win! If I had no garage, I would be forced to take apart motorcycles in the living room. City folks don't understand the meaning of the word garage. But I digress.
